Thursday, May 6, 2010

8th Grader Madison Ives the Latest Recipient of Free Orthodontic Treatment with Smile For A Lifetime

A local girl who thought she'd have to wait years to get the smile she'd always wanted, was grinning from ear to ear Tuesday night. The "Smile for a Lifetime" program has presented the gift of free orthodontics to 28 deserving kids in our community and on Tuesday, 8th grader Madison Ives found out she's next.

It's safe to say Madison Ives smiles a lot. A friendly eighth grader and class treasurer, her teachers say she's well known and liked around campus. "Her smile is very engaging right now, but because her teeth are crooked, I know that sometimes she smiles with her mouth closed, and I know that she would love to always smile with her mouth open," said Madison's math teacher Ms. Rodriguez.

Ms. Rodriguez nominated Ives for "Smile for a Lifetime." "Smile for a Lifetime" is a foundation that provides free braces and orthodontic work to deserving kids.

"I was kind of surprised, I kind of knew, I was thinking it was for me, but I didn't want to get my hopes up or I didn't want to be selfish," said Ives. But those who know Ives, the youngest of seven kids, will tell you she's anything but selfish.

"I have to get a lot of work done since I'm a dwarf and I have a smaller mouth. I've really wanted them for a long time, just my parents don't have the money right now," said Ives.

The foundation is only a few years old, and Dr. Donald Montano in Bakersfield started volunteering his services last year. So far they've helped about 28 kids in our community. "She'll probably have the braces on within the month. She'll probably get an appointment next week and she's ready to go," said Dr. Montano.

Ives has become more confident over the past few years, but even now you can tell she still tries to hide her smile. But with a little help, she won't have to anymore. "That's amazing how, one person like me gets a lucky chance to have a beautiful smile," said Ives.

If you want to nominate a deserving kid for smile for a lifetime, head the Montano Orthodontics web site.

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