Friday, February 26, 2010

The Benefits of Being a Schulman Study Group Member, from Dr. Montano

I'm looking forward to one of the most educational and fun weeks of my year. I'm not talking about vacation even though it will be somewhere nice. I'm talking about my annual trek to spend a week of learning and sharing with my colleagues in the Schulman Study Group (SSG). The SSG is one of the most highly regarded Study Groups in North America. It is limited to 125 of the best practices and is by "invitation only" and even then there is a waiting list. I was honored with this distinction 9 years ago and was elected to a 6 year term on the Board of Directors 4 yrs ago. We spend a week together every year learning from one another. Much of what we learn is shared with the orthodontic profession at our national meetings and in our professional journals. This is a demanding group that continually inspires its members to improve in all aspects of our professional and personal lives. Our motto is "SUCCESS THROUGH SHARING".

Last year I presented our newly launched Smile For a Lifetime Foundation on the first day of our meeting. The response was what I expected. Pure enthusiasm and support. Our goal of setting up 25 new Chapters by year end was surpassed with a year end tally of
44 chapters up and running! We have moved beyond that and are now in over 35 states. This, all in less than a year. I am so inspired by my colleagues in the SSG that we stay in contact throughout the year. These are some of the most innovative and technologically advanced orthodontists in North America. Last year's family vacation included a visit to an SSG orthodontist in Calgary, Canada.


Unknown said...

Bud Schulman is an icon of modern orthodontics. His knowledge of his field of work has tremendously influenced Calgary Orthodontics. It is sad that he died back in 2008 but his principles and beliefs are immortalized in SSG.

Fran Taylor said...

Undoubtedly Bud Shulman has become one of the leading figures in modern orthodontics. His equivalent in terms of an eye doctor, Indianapolis area would be Dr. Linda Ann Frechette. I think I could recall Shulman's interview back in 2002 with Dr. Gottlieb as the start of my admiration for his work.

If you're interested in information about optometrist, Indianapolis (IN), you can check out the links I've provided. Thanks and more power to the Montano Orthodontics Blog!

Anonymous said...

I've also watched Dr.Shulman's interview with Dr. Gottlieb. That was the moment I've had a realization that this man will become an icon in his field. He left a great legacy and an immortalized passion within his group.

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