Friday, May 29, 2009

Montano Orthodontics Hosts Continuing Education Lecture and Montano Orthodontics hosted a dental continuing education lecture featuring Dr. Terrell Pannkuk.

The lecture addressed tools available and the latest technology to help determine when to extract teeth and when to save them.

Dr. Pannkuk demonstrated actual challenging cases that highlight difficulties and help evaluate the long term effects.

Montano Orthodontics regularly hosts continuing education courses to spread information about the latest in technology and the field of orthodontics.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Montano Orthodontics' Special Ladies Night!

At the end of March, Montano Orthodontics held a very special ladies night to celebrate all of our wonderful female patients. We wanted to show our appreciation by giving all the women we know a night of relaxation and fun!.

We had makeup artists come out to the event and all kinds of vendors for anything from jewelry, clothing, and Botox. We had a manners consultant. We had chiropractic advice and manicurists to provide the spa treatment your hands deserve. There was a juice tasting, photography, and even massage therapists!

It was such great fun. We had about 50 women come from throughout the Bakersfield community.

Thanks for making our night such a success! From Montano Orthodontics.

Here are a couple of photos, check out the full album on our MySpace and Facebook pages!

Friday, May 15, 2009

First Recipient of Dr. Montano's Smile For A Lifetime Orthodontic Scholarship: Kecia Culhane

Kecia Culhane from Taft Union High School is the first recipient of Dr. Donald Montano's Smile for a Lifetime Orthodontic Scholarship. Smile for a Lifetime offers no cost dental work and orthodontic treatment to students in need. Learn about Kecia's journey to a lifetime of beautiful smiles and how Orthodontist Donald Montano brings hope and inspiration to his community in Bakersfield, CA.

Dr. Montano and the Smile For A Lifetime Foundation Give Their First Two Orthodontic Scholarships

Dr. Donald Montano and Montano Orthodontics have been serving the Bakersfield community for 20 years. Wanting to give back to the community, Dr. Montano started the Smile for a Lifetime Foundation. Every month, the board of directors for the Foundation will choose two applicants to receive an orthodontic scholarship. Smile for a Lifetime's goal is to help children receive the smile they deserve in the hopes that they will give back to their communities.

Watch this video to see the May 2009 winning applicants!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Good Breath Gone Bad -- Dr. Montano Explains

At Montano Orthodontics, we know that bad breath can be a real downer, especially when you are out on a date with that girl or boy you’ve had a crush on all semester! However, bad breath can be prevented!

Bad breath, or as your doctor may call it “halitosis,” is caused by odor-producing bacteria that grows in your mouth. This bacteria gathers on bits of food in your mouth and between your teeth and release sulfur compounds making your breath smell. Some foods, like garlic and onions, may contribute more to bad breath because of oils the food the food releases, and smoking is also a major cause of bad breath.

There are several myths around bad breath. Here are some common myths and the truth behind it all from Dr. Montano:

Myth #1: Mouthwash will make my breath smell better

Mouthwash will make your breath smell better, but it is only a temporary fix. If you use mouthwash, just know that you will still need to brush and floss when you get the chance as mouthwash alone will not kill all of the bacteria producing germs in your mouth. When choosing a mouthwash, pick an antiseptic with plaque-reducing compounds. Also make sure any dental products you choose comes with the American Dental Association’s (ADA) seal of approval!

Myth #2: I brush my teeth; I will never have bad breath

Brushing your teeth will save you from having breath, but the truth is most people only brush their teeth for about 30-45 seconds! You need to brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes, twice a day to give your teeth a thorough cleansing. It’s also important to brush your tongue, which is where a majority of odor causing bacteria like to hang out. Lastly, flossing to remove food and plaque between the teeth will also help reduce your chances of having bad breath!

Myth #3: If I don’t smell it, then my breath is fresh

This is a false assumption in every sense of the word! The truth is that the breath you breathe out is not the same breath coming out when you talk to someone. When you breathe you are not using your throat as you do when you are talking; and when you talk more breath moves over the back of your mouth where bacteria is causing bad breath.

#1 TRUTH: Brush your teeth twice a day (for at least 2 minutes), floss at least once and visit your dentist every six months…this way your breath will always be fresh! Not letting your nerves get the best of you on your date? That’s up to you!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Share Your Smile at Montano Orthodontics

At Dr. Montano's office, we reward you for smiling and sharing that smile with your friends and family. So, we have Montano Smile Cards.

Every time you share your smile card with someone, we enter your name in a drawing. For every card, you receive 6 points toward gifts in our prize cabinet and you have the chance to win a great prize if we draw your name!

Each time you share your smile, you will be entered into a drawing to win a cool prize and receive 6pts towards gifts in our prize cabinet.

For more details call or email us today at Montano Orthodontics!