Thursday, March 26, 2009

Top Ten Tips for Improving Bad Breath -- Montano Orthodontics

Call it by its fancy name, “halitosis,” and it won’t smell any sweeter. Bad breath is frequently a sign that you’re not keeping up with your oral health. The source of this unpleasant odor is, in most cases, bacteria living on your teeth, gums or tongue. Follow these ten tips from Montano Orthodontics for a breath of fresh air:

1. Brush your choppers twice each day. Better yet, brush after every meal. If you eat lunch at work or school, keep an extra toothbrush there. Also, be sure to replace your toothbrush regularly. Every few months, swap your brush for a fresh one.

2. Reach between your teeth. Flossing daily helps you remove food particles from between your teeth, where your toothbrush just can’t reach. Flossing also helps keep your gums healthy, preventing periodontal disease, which can also lead to bad breath. If using regular floss is difficult for you, try one of the many interdental cleaners available at drugstores.

3. Pick up a water pick. Along with floss, a water pick reaches spots your toothbrush can’t, like under your tongue and into the back of your mouth.

4. Treat your tongue right. Bacteria can gather on the surface of your tongue, so use a soft-bristled toothbrush or a tongue scraper to clean it every time you brush.

5. Tap your inner teenager and chew gum. The act of chewing (sugarless!) gum stimulates the production of saliva, which naturally washes away bacteria and food particles. If you suffer from a lack of saliva due to “dry mouth,” a condition sometimes caused by medication, let your dentist know; he or she can help address the problem.

6. Don’t fall for the myth of mouthwash. Most mouthwashes merely mask the smell of bad breath and don’t do anything to solve the underlying problem.

7. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Drink water regularly to keep your mouth moist, and go easy on alcohol and caffeine, both of which are dehydrating.

8. Turn off the tobacco. Smoking and chewing tobacco lead to bad breath. They also increase your risk of a host of serious health problems, from periodontal disease to cancer.

9. Take note of what you take in. Certain diets, foods and medications can affect your breath. If your problem doesn’t appear to be oral, make a list of the foods you eat and medications you take. Review it with your dentist or your family doctor to assess the source of the problem.

10. Call in the experts. It’s important to have your teeth professionally checked and cleaned twice a year. Your dentist can give your teeth a thorough cleaning that isn’t possible at home, as well as check for and treat early signs of problems such as cavities or periodontal disease. And for all your orthodontic needs, give us a call at Montano Orthodontics.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dr. Montano Smile Cards Reward You For Smiling

We now have Dr. Montano SMILE CARDS, so that you can share your beautiful smile with your friends and family!

Each time you share your smile, you will be entered into a drawing to win a cool prize and receive 6 points towards a great gift from our prize cabinet.

The next drawing will be held on April 16th, 2009.

At Montano Orthodontics, we want to keep you smiling so come in before April 16th for a chance to win.

Give us a call today or send us a message on one of our social networks for more details.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Burris and Montano Launch Smile For A Lifetime

Smile For A Lifetime, the foundation launched by Dr. Benjamin Burris and Dr. Donald Montano, seeks to inspire individuals to make a difference in their own communities. The Foundation provides orthodontic treatment to individuals who could not otherwise afford it. By investing in underprivileged children throughout the nation, the Foundation hopes that the children will in turn invest in their neighborhoods. At the annual Super Schulman Group meeting, Dr. Montano spoke about the Foundation to raise national awareness.

Comprised of prominent orthodontists and their practices, the Super Schulman Group aims to educate and inspire. Started twenty-five years ago by Bud Schulman, the group is an open forum for innovative ideas, such as the Smile For A Lifetime Foundation.

Benjamin Burris, Dr. Montano's partner in founding the organization.

Dr. Montano takes Smile For A Lifetime national at the Schulman Group Annual Meeting.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dr. Montano Brightens the World One Smile at a Time

Dr. Montano partnered with Ben Burris from Arkansas to create the Smile for a Lifetime Foundation. The foundation’s mission is to provide orthodontic treatment to well deserving patients who couldn’t otherwise afford it.

Committed to doing 24 cases next year alone, Dr. Montano said, “We’ve been fortunate. We’ve done well. I want to give back to the right kids, who, I hope, will give back to their community.”

Charitable work is nothing new to Dr. Montano. He has been involved with numerous causes ranging from cystic fibrosis, Couples Against Cancer, and CSUB wrestling to working with the Kern River Foundation to secure more than 900 acres of property.

“We see it (the good) when the braces come off,” said Montano, “People get teary-eyed when they see the change. A smile and confidence is the best gift you can give anybody.”

Check out Smile For A Lifetime Foundation for more information.

For the full story, go to