Thursday, November 13, 2008

Montano Orthodontics knows how to have fun!

October was full of fun and festivities at Montano Orthodontics. The month began with our Montano Orthodontics team fun day on October 12th at John’s Incredible Pizza. Our team and their families joined together that evening for some good food, the company of good friends and tons of exciting fun!

On October 25th we hosted our tenth annual Halloween Skating Party at Rollerama West. The skate party was a huge success with over 200 people dressed in costume and participating in the fun and games. Staff members, patients, and their families participated in a costume contest where our 6 grand prize winners each took home a 25 dollar gift card to the Valley Plaza Mall and a special bag of Halloween goodies.

October 30th got a little spooky with our team dress-up day! The entire team at Montano Orthodontics was in costume all day long. We had an office costume contest with three categories: funniest costume, scariest costume, and more creative costume. Our three winners all receive 25 dollar gift cards to the Valley Plaza Mall.

Be sure to check out all of our great pictures, and see for yourself why it is that Montano Orthodontics knows how to have fun!

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