Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The trend continues

The trend of adults getting braces is growing more and more evident as adult patients start blogging about their experience. The other day, I came across a very honest list of issues with braces that I think all adults should read. This is definitely not to deter you from getting braces... in fact, I view this as an argument for more advanced treatment through Invisalign. I'll let you be the judge:

A post bordering on TMI…

These lessons are probably not much different than those dealing with adolescent braces. However, I think the choice of foods and situations would be quite different.

  1. Install a food disposal unit in your bathroom. Either that, or brush your teeth over the kitchen sink.
  2. The Water Pic is the greatest invention ever. (I stopped short of using my pressure-washer for fear of removing gums and enamel.)
  3. Pay attention to the “List of Foods to Avoid” that the orthodontist gives you.
  4. To that list, add the following:
    • Sauerkraut
    • Pad Thai
    • Bacon Bits
    • Deep-Fried Pita Points
  5. You have your choice of embarrassments during meals - picking your teeth or displaying a variety of cuisine every time you smile.
  6. Between the foods you’re not eating and the amount of food that get stuck in your braces, you’ll start to lose weight.
  7. Wax is your friend. However, remember to remove it before drinking hot coffee in the morning.
  8. Advil is almost as friendly as wax.
  9. Playing the trumpet isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Or, at least, no worse considering I hardly played it before braces.
  10. Whistling is impossible.
  11. People just aren’t very interested in (or sympathetic with) the problems you’re having with your braces.

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