Thursday, June 12, 2008

Improving on Orthodontics in Bakersfield

Orthodontics today is much different than it was years ago. With help from new technology like 3D imaging and robots, we can speed up your treatment time as well as ensure success! All this culminates to an amazing service we provide called SureSmile! To start, we take many photos of your mouth which is sent to our 3D imaging software. With a 3D image of your mouth, both the orthodontist and patient get to review what's working and what's not. We work together to create a custom treatment plan unique to your needs. What's the next step? A robot. View my last post to see exactly what I mean by a robot. The SureSmile robot shapes your wires to fit the plan, we put them on you, and then you get to let the wire start to work with the heat of your body! The benefits of SureSmile are many, but the most obvious include a shorter treatment time, fewer visits to the orthodontist, and more comfort than traditional metal braces. To learn more about this, get the info from a patient of SureSmile here. When you're ready to start your SureSmile treatment in Bakersfield, CA, give our office a call.

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