Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Share your Smile to win an Apple iPad at Montano Orthodontics!

7 Ways to Enter Our Drawing to Win

-Place a review on: Google, Yelp or Yellow pages - 1 entry for each

-"Like" Montano Orthodontics on Facebook or update your status on our Facebook Page - 1 entry

-Post video testimonial on Montano Orthodontics Facebook 2 entries

-Written testimonial on Montano Orthodontics Facebook - 1 entry

-Send in a video testimonial to montanosmile@arrival.net for us to post- 2 entries

-Sign up to use the patient login features on our web site - 1 entry

-Refer a friend to the office - 2 entries

Please send an email to montanosmile@arrival.net and let us know which tasks have been completed and we will enter you into the drawing. Be sure to include your name!
Drawing takes place August 30th Good Luck!

Give us a call at 661-665-7600 if you have any questions!

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