Monday, January 4, 2010

Another Beautiful New Smile Made Possible by the Smile For a Lifetime Program

Kaelan Baumgardner, a 10 year old at Columbia Elementary School, received his Smile for a Lifetime scholarship this month. When Kaelan’s mother found out he was chosen she was so excited she went to school and announced it to Kaelan’s entire class. His entire class congratulated him. Kaelan tells us that, “having a new smile means that no one will be able to call him names like, Sponge Bob any more and he will have more friends.”

We are told that he is a wonderful young man with a huge heart who always has an interesting story about his Lego structures or favorite TV show. Kaelan does not let his slight misfortunes hold him back. He is always ready to offer assistance to other students in need. He also joins in school activities such as running for student council and participating in oral language activities. Kaelan’s father said, “He had God on his side, so he couldn’t lose.” William Jager, principal at Columbia elementary school told us, “Kaelan’s great attitude and happy disposition could only be enhanced by a beautiful new smile.”

The Smile for a Lifetime program chooses individuals who are good students, citizens, and are in need of financial assistance for orthodontic treatment. To learn more about the Smile for a Lifetime program, head over to the Montano Orthodontics web site.

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