Friday, February 26, 2010

The Benefits of Being a Schulman Study Group Member, from Dr. Montano

I'm looking forward to one of the most educational and fun weeks of my year. I'm not talking about vacation even though it will be somewhere nice. I'm talking about my annual trek to spend a week of learning and sharing with my colleagues in the Schulman Study Group (SSG). The SSG is one of the most highly regarded Study Groups in North America. It is limited to 125 of the best practices and is by "invitation only" and even then there is a waiting list. I was honored with this distinction 9 years ago and was elected to a 6 year term on the Board of Directors 4 yrs ago. We spend a week together every year learning from one another. Much of what we learn is shared with the orthodontic profession at our national meetings and in our professional journals. This is a demanding group that continually inspires its members to improve in all aspects of our professional and personal lives. Our motto is "SUCCESS THROUGH SHARING".

Last year I presented our newly launched Smile For a Lifetime Foundation on the first day of our meeting. The response was what I expected. Pure enthusiasm and support. Our goal of setting up 25 new Chapters by year end was surpassed with a year end tally of
44 chapters up and running! We have moved beyond that and are now in over 35 states. This, all in less than a year. I am so inspired by my colleagues in the SSG that we stay in contact throughout the year. These are some of the most innovative and technologically advanced orthodontists in North America. Last year's family vacation included a visit to an SSG orthodontist in Calgary, Canada.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Creating Self Confidence, Hope, and Changing Lives in Kern County

Leeann and Chelsey are two more children that have been selected for a Smile For Lifetime Orthodontic scholarship. With your help we can make another child’s dream come true. Please help us, help a child who is in need of a beautiful smile and self esteem boost. Please submit an application today, time is running out for our winter scholarship selection. Application information is at: or

Leeann Banks is a 7th grader at Compton Jr. High. She is another lucky recipient of braces through Smile for a Lifetime and Montano Orthodontics. Not only is Leeann an honor student who plays violin in the honor orchestra, she also likes to help her community by feeding the homeless and keeping her city clean by picking up trash. Leeann old us when she first started treatment, “thank you so much for choosing me! I am so tired of being made fun of, if it wasn’t for you I would of never gotten braces.” On her last visit she told us she is still excited to receive them but also glad she isn’t as sore anymore.
GiGi Maurer, Leeann’s 6h grade teacher tells us that, “Leeann is an academically impressive student whose self confidence will definitely increase because of the S4L program.” We know that with the help of a brilliant smile Leeann will strive to be the best that she can be.

Another deserving recipient of the Smile for a Lifetime scholarship is Linns Valley School Student Chelsey Vick. Chelsey is a loving and caring little girl who is involved in church and loves to sing gospel music. She has sang solo for the last 2 years in the Christmas Dessert production at Mt. Carmel Church in Glenville, CA. Chelsey was so excited to be chosen she said, “I’m getting my braces put on and no one will call me names anymore!”

Her mother told us that Chelsey would come home from school and tell her that she would cry at school because she was called names because of her teeth. “We are so thankful, we have prayed and prayed every night and this was an answer to our prayers, god will bless you for this,” Martha, Chelsey's mother tells us. Chelsey’s teacher has witnessed the thoughtless comments from other children, “Chelsey is a great child, having her teeth corrected would complete the beautiful picture she presents to the world.” We at Montano Orthodontics’ truly agree with her.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Invisalign Elite Premier Provider in Bakersfield, CA

While you probably know that we offer Invisalign at Montano Orthodontics, did you know that Dr. Montano is an Invisalign Elite Premier Provider? So what does this certification mean?

Dr Montano is specially trained in the Invisalign system of clear removable aligners, and has had extensive experience working with the system with his patients. Elite Premier Providers like Dr. Montano have achieved the highest level of experience with the Invisalign system, and are the top 1% of Invisalign providers in the entire country! After completing Invisalign treatment for hundreds of patients, Dr. Montano is the only doctor in the area with this distinction, and is also the only orthodontist in Bakersfield that offers Invisalign Teen, the aligner technology specifically designed for teenagers!
If you are considering the Invisalign system, give us a call at 661-665-7600 to schedule a free consultation. During this appointment we can work with you to determine if the Invisalign system is right for you!

Friday, February 5, 2010

With Montano Orthodontics, you have 24/7 access to your account

At Montano Orthodontics, we embrace new technology, whether it is through the innovative orthodontic treatments that we offer, our high-tech web site and social networks, or our modern office conveniently located in Bakersfield, CA.

Did you know that patients at our office have access to their account, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, on our web site? You can look up your appointments and all of your photos and x-rays at your convenience, from the comfort of your own home! You can even receive appointment reminders through email or text messages!

Just see what some of our patients have to say about this service!

This service means that making and canceling appointments is much easier. I have yet to find that equaled in other services in Bakersfield. ~ Ashley K.

The service allows me to check my appointment times at my convenience not when the office is open. I am also able to view past pictures from point 0 to the present and see the progress that I am making towards having the smile that I want. ~ Renee R.

I like the fact that I am able to go online and check appt date and time. I am one that is always online so this is a big convenience for me. ~ Lauren M.

You can sign up for this convenient service on our web site by clicking the "Patient Login" button on our homepage. Please call the team at 661-665-7600 if you have any questions!