Monday, December 21, 2009

SMILE CARDS at Montano Orthodontics!

Dr. Montano and his team would like to announce winners of the SMILE CARDS contest. Congratulations to the following patients:

Carlos Jimenez, who won 3rd place and a $125 visa card.
Jessica Barnes, who won 2nd place and a $150 visa card.
Gloria Cotter, who won 1st place and a $300 visa card and told us “Oh my God! I tell everyone about your office, It's the best!”

For more patient photos, please visit our brand new Facebook fan page!

For more details on the SMILE CARDS contest or our future contests call or email us today! While there, become a "fan" of Montano Orthodontics!

Friday, December 18, 2009

The advantage of SureSmile® at Montano Orthodontics!

Does the thought of having braces bring you down? The team at Montano Orthodontics understands that one of the biggest concerns for orthodontic patients with braces is the length of their treatment.

But you’re in luck, because Dr. Montano specializes in SureSmile, high-tech braces that are revolutionizing the orthodontic industry. SureSmile, which combines digital 3-D imaging, has computer-aided treatment planning and customized archwires to straighten teeth about 40 percent faster than traditional braces. The SureSmile program calculates the exact shape and pattern of the teeth and bends and cuts the braces wires, with more precision than traditional braces.

There are three steps. First, Dr. Montano identifies the initial tooth position with the patented OraScanner, a wand with a tiny camera attached. The OraScanner creates a precise 3-D digital model of your mouth, which is then uploaded into software that lets Dr. Montano view your mouth and teeth from any angle. Next, the SureSmile system allows us to create your entire treatment plan prior to treatment, using special computer software to analyze the 3-D model of your mouth and develop a custom archwire treatment. Finally, SureSmile’s robotic technology bends Shape Memory Alloy archwires, which can “remember” your prescription.


With SureSmile’s specially programmed archwires, your teeth move more directly into their intended positions. The result for our patients is shortened treatment time and a more comfortable experience in braces.

Once the braces are on it’s only a matter of time before they are taken off revealing beautiful, straight, healthy teeth. With traditional braces a patient is expected to schedule 18 to 20 office visits over two years. With SureSmile, patients average seven to 10 visits and can have their braces off within half the time.

If you’re considering orthodontic treatment, and braces are on the horizon, please contact Montano Orthodontics today!

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dr. Montano and team want to know: What are you up to in December?

We're almost half-way through December, and, believe it or not, almost in full holiday mode! So Dr. Montano and the team at Montano Orthodontics want to know: What are you doing this month? Any big plans during your winter break? Anything exciting in your life?

If you have any photos or videos that you would like to share with us, please send them our way or call our office and ask how!

Have a great rest of the week!

--The team at Montano Orthodontics

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Montano Orthodontics November 2009 Newsletter!

Wondering what's going on with Montano Orthodontics lately? Wonder no more! Here is our November 2009 Smile for a Lifetime newsletter, ready for your enjoyment!

Let us know what you think! We'd love to hear from you, our amazing patients!

--Dr. Montano and the Montano Orthodontics team